steph & fitch outfitters

Monday, January 22, 2007

spirituality in education?!!

For the past couple of weeks I've been taking a "Spirituality in Education" course. At first I wasn't interested in it, but then my housemate Doris and Angie were taking it and persuaded me to take it. It was quite interesting and different than any other course that i've taken before. We started out the class with a "Ritual" chant in a dark room with a candle in the centre. At first I was a little uncomfortable with this becuase I had never really seen myself being the "chanting" type of girl.
However, the issues that are brought up in this course have really helped me to reach deeper into myself and realize more about my character and personality. As a teacher, what is my personal philosophy about the spirituality of my students and the spiritual presence within my classroom? Do not mistake "spiritual" in a sense of a particular religion, but it is a more abstract concept that I'm still trying to grasp. How are students viewing life? Do they ever wonder about questions without answers? For example, some of the questions that we brought up were:

Why are some people so rich and others so poor?
Why am I here on earth?
What is my purpose?
Can I make a difference?

This last question was my favourite question becuase that's a question that I often ask myself.
I think that in order to answer this question "Can I make a difference" we must first determine what scale of difference do we want to make? Do we want to make a positive difference or a negative one? A lot of people who have made big differences have often never lived to see the results/impact of their actions. On a similar note, one small action can also make a big difference in others. These were just some of the things that got me thinking about what I want to do and the ways that we make a difference in this world.

on another random note, haha, for this course I have to learn a new skill. I choose to learn a new language. At first I wanted to learn korean. But my roommate Van persuaded me to learn Mandarin. Haha, so here we both are learning new languages. She's learning Korean and I'm learning Mandarin and it's HILARIOUS becuase we're both sitting in our rooms and reciting random words and noises... hehe


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